A Lamb Associates Limited

ALA Brochure 2020

Introducing the brand new ALA Brochure 2020. We’ve had a major overhaul of our main company brochure. This is part of a wider focus to streamline the current ALA branding across our locations in Cumbria, Warrington and London. It also has the additional purpose of better demonstrating our services, capabilities and experience.

Designing this in-house was a challenge, but one we were pleased to take on. Having the freedom to update and revise these documents as we continue to grow is important. Doing this, we can keep our services competitive and responsive to client needs.

You can also find out more about our Quantity Surveying and Dispute Resolution Services, latest Projects and News updates by clicking on the relevant headings. If we can be of assistance to your projects, please do get in touch to discuss further.

New ALA Brochure 2020 

You can read through the brochure here. For the best experience, please make sure to view it in ‘Fullscreen’ mode. Click on the button in the middle of the cover page to access this.